Start | Finish | Days | Meeting Name | Round | Location | Local Wireless | Intermediates | Speed Trap | Loc |
25/01/2025 | 26/01/2025 | 2 |
Victorian Road Racing Championships - 28/2 UPDATE - Superbike & Supersport points amended per MA/MV requirements
| 1 | Phillip Island (Vic) | No | | | PI |
8/02/2025 | 9/02/2025 | 2 |
Hartwell Club Championships - Postponed
| 1 | Broadford (Vic) | | | | B |
16/02/2025 | 16/02/2025 | 1 |
Preston MCC Brackets - Cancelled
| 1 | Broadford (Vic) | | | | B |
16/02/2025 | 16/02/2025 | 1 |
TMCC Champs
| 1 | Symmons Plains (Tas) | No | | | SP |
21/02/2025 | 23/02/2025 | 3 |
Australian Superbike Champs (with WSBK)
| 1 | Phillip Island (Vic) | No | | | PI |
28/02/2025 | 2/03/2025 | 2.5 |
Victorian Road Racing Championships
| 2 | The Bend (SA) | No | | | TB |
1/03/2025 | 2/03/2025 | 2 |
Classic Master of Mac Park
| | Mac Park (SA) | Yes | | | MP |
2/03/2025 | 2/03/2025 | 1 |
Nugget Nationals - 1
| | Broadford (Vic) | No | | | B |
8/03/2025 | 9/03/2025 | 2 |
Hartwell Club Championships
| 2 | Mac Park (SA) | | | | MP |
8/03/2025 | 9/03/2025 | 2 |
| 1 | Newcastle (NSW) | | | | NC |
22/03/2025 | 23/03/2025 | 2 |
ProMX Championships
| 1 | Wonthaggi (Vic) | | | | WON |
28/03/2025 | 29/03/2025 | 2 |
Australian Superbike Champs
| 2 | Sydney Motor Sport Park (NSW) | | | | SMS |
5/04/2025 | 6/04/2025 | 2 |
Hartwell Club Championships
| 3 | Broadford (Vic) | | | | B |
12/04/2025 | 13/04/2025 | 2 |
Victorian Historic Championships
| | Broadford (Vic) | | | | B |
12/04/2025 | 13/04/2025 | 2 |
| 2 | Oakleigh (Vic) | | | | OAK |
13/04/2025 | 13/04/2025 | 1 |
Tasmanian Road Race Champs & TMCC Champs
| 2 | Symmons Plains (Tas) | | | | SP |
13/04/2025 | 13/04/2025 | 1 |
ProMX Championships
| 2 | Appin (NSW) | | | | APP |
19/04/2025 | 20/04/2025 | 2 |
SA Champs (inc. Easter Cup)
| 2 | Mac Park (SA) | | | | MP |
27/04/2025 | 27/04/2025 | 1 |
ProMX Championships
| 3 | Gillman (SA) | | | | GI |
2/05/2025 | 4/05/2025 | 3 |
Australian Superbike Champs
| 3 | Queensland Raceway (Qld) | | | | QR |
11/05/2025 | 11/05/2025 | 1 |
Preston MCC Brackets
| 2 | Broadford (Vic) | | | | B |
17/05/2025 | 18/05/2025 | 2 |
Mac Park Seniors Meeting
| | Mac Park (SA) | | | | MP |
25/05/2025 | 25/05/2025 | 1 |
ProMX Championships
| 4 | Traralgon (Vic) | | | | Tra |
13/06/2025 | 15/06/2025 | 3 |
Australian Superbike Champs
| 4 | Morgan Park (Qld) | | | | MOR |
22/06/2025 | 22/06/2025 | 1 |
ProMX Championships
| 5 | Warwick (Qld) | | | | War |
5/07/2025 | 6/07/2025 | 2 |
| 4 | Monarto | | | | MON |
6/07/2025 | 6/07/2025 | 1 |
Nugget Nationals - 2
| | Broadford (Vic) | | | | B |
6/07/2025 | 6/07/2025 | 1 |
ProMX Championships
| 6 | Nowra (NSW) | | | | Now |
26/07/2025 | 27/07/2025 | 2 |
Aussie Flat Track Nationals
| 1 & 2 | Maryborough (Qld) | | | | Mar |
27/07/2025 | 27/07/2025 | 1 |
ProMX Championships
| 7 | Toowoomba (Qld) | | | | TW |
2/08/2025 | 3/08/2025 | 2 |
ProMX Championships
| 8 | QMP (Qld) | | | | QMP |
8/08/2025 | 10/08/2025 | 3 |
Australian Superbike Champs (with V8's)
| 5 | Queensland Raceway (Qld) | | | | QR |
17/08/2025 | 17/08/2025 | 1 |
Victorian Interclub
| | Broadford (Vic) | | | | B |
23/08/2025 | 24/08/2025 | 2 |
Hartwell Club Championships
| 4 | Phillip Island (Vic) | | | | PI |
23/08/2025 | 24/08/2025 | 2 |
Aussie Flat Track Nationals
| 3 & 4 | Albury (NSW) | | | | AB |
6/09/2025 | 7/09/2025 | 2 |
Australian Superbike Champs
| 6 | Phillip Island (Vic) | | | | PI |
13/09/2025 | 14/09/2025 | 2 |
| 5 | Port Melbourne (Vic) | | | | PM |
20/09/2025 | 21/09/2025 | 2 |
Hartwell Seniors Meeting
| | Broadford (Vic) | | | | B |
28/09/2025 | 28/09/2025 | 1 |
Tasmanian Road Race Champs & TMCC Champs
| 3 | Symmons Plains (Tas) | | | | SP |
3/10/2025 | 5/10/2025 | 3 |
Australian Superbike Champs
| 7 | One Raceway (NSW) | | | | OR |
4/10/2025 | 5/10/2025 | 2 |
SA Champs (inc. Master of Mac Park)
| 5 | Mac Park (SA) | | | | MP |
11/10/2025 | 11/10/2025 | 1 |
Aussie Flat Track Nationals
| 5 | Griffith (NSW) | | | | Gri |
11/10/2025 | 12/10/2025 | 2 |
Victorian Road Racing Championships
| 3 | Broadford (Vic) | | | | B |
17/10/2025 | 19/10/2025 | 3 |
| | Phillip Island (Vic) | | | | PI |
7/11/2025 | 9/11/2025 | 3 |
Australian Superbike Champs
| 8 | The Bend (SA) | | | | TB |
8/11/2025 | 9/11/2025 | 2 |
Southern Classic
| | Broadford (Vic) | | | | B |
13/11/2025 | 16/11/2025 | 4 |
Australian Historic Championships
| | Broadford (Vic) | | | | B |
15/11/2025 | 16/11/2025 | 2 |
Aussie Flat Track Nationals
| 6 & 7 | Gunnedah (NSW) | | | | GUN |
22/11/2025 | 23/11/2025 | 2 |
Victorian Road Racing Championships (incl BEARS)
| 4 | Broadford (Vic) | | | | B |
7/12/2025 | 7/12/2025 | 1 |
Preston MCC Brackets
| 4 | Broadford (Vic) | | | | B |